Some of the Studies that I have found.
Ableman, Paul, "The Anatomy of Nakedness" Elysium Growth Press, Los Angeles CA.
Casler, Lawrence, Ph. D., [Professor, Department of Psychology, State University College
of Arts & Science, Geneseo, NY], "Nudist Camps," MEDICAL
May 1971, pp. 92 - 98.
Casler, Lawrence, Ph. D., [Professor, Department of Psychology, State University College
of Arts & Science, Geneseo, NY], "Some Social psychological observations in a Nudist Camp:
A preliminary Study," THE JOURNAL OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY, 1964, 64, pp. 307 - 323.
Gardener, Richard A., "Exposing Children to Parental Nudity", Medical aspects of Human Sexuality, June 1975
Ketterman, Grace, Ph. D., "Real solutions for Abuse Proofing Your Child" Vine Books, Ann Arbor, MI.
Foster, Jeremy J., [Bolton Institute of Technology, England], "Notes on Perceived Personality
of a Nude," PERCEPTUAL AND MOTOR SKILLS, 1970, 31, pp.
Freed, Herbert, M. D., [Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and Medical Director of Psychotherapy
at Temple University, Philadelphia, PA}, "Nudity &
Nakedness," SEXUAL BEHAVIOR, January
1973, pp. 3 - 7.
Goldman, R. J. & Goldman, J. G., [La Trobe University, Bundoora, Victoria, Australia] (1981) Children's
perceptions of clothes and nakedness: A
104, 163-185.
Lewis, Robert J. and Louis H. Janda. "The Relationship Between Adult Sexual Adjustment and Childhood Experiences Regarding Exposure to Nudity, Sleeping in the Parental Bed, and Parental Attitudes Toward Sexuality." Archives of Sexual Behavior 17.4 (1988): 349-362.
Okami, Paul. "Childhood Exposure to Parental Nudity, Parent-Child Co-sleeping, and 'Primal Scenes': A Review of Clinical Opinion and Empirical Evidence." Journal of Sex Research 32.1 (1995): 51-64.
Okami, Paul, Richard Olmstead, Paul R. Abramson, and Laura Pendleton. "Early Childhood Exposure to Parental Nudity and Scenes of Parental Sexuality ('Primal Scenes'): An 18-Year Longitudinal Study of Outcome." Archives of Sexual Behavior 27.4 (1998): 361-384.
Oleinick, M. S., A. K. Bahn, L. Eisenberg, and A. M. Lilienfeld. "Early Socialization Experiences and
Interfamilial Environment: A Study of Psychiatric Outpatient and Control Group Children." Archives of General Psychiatry 15.4 (1966): 344-353.
Smith, Dennis Craig and William Sparks. The Naked Child: Growing Up Without Shame. Los Angeles: Elysium Growth, 1986.
Story, Marilyn, Ph.D., "A Comparison of Social Nudists and Non-nudists on Experience with
Various Sexual Outlets", JOURNAL OF SEX RESEARCH,
(Vol.23, No.2, May 1987), pp.197-211.
Story, Marilyn, Ph.D., "Comparisons of Body Self-concept between Social Nudists and
JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY, Volume 118, First Half,
September 1984, pp. 101-111.
Story, Marilyn, Ph.D., "Factors Associated with more positive Body Self-Concepts in Preschool
108, 1979, pp. 49-56.
Weinberg, Martin S., Ph.D., [Senior Sociologist, Institute for Sex Research, Indiana University,
Bloomington, IN], "Nudists," SEXUAL BEHAVIOR,
August 1971, pp. 51 - 54.
Information - Pastor JW Olson
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The Inner Circle is �1991 - 2006, JW Olson. All rights reserved.
Last Updated 04/19/2006