Welcome to
The Inner Circle Wedding Page

Officiating pastor, Pastor JW Olson
Email Me

I offer a memorable Wedding Ceremony that we can write together or I will write myself, your choice. It is YOUR day, your direction is welcome!

I am available for:

Home Weddings
Naturist Weddings
Outdoor Weddings
Ceremonies at Hotels and Banquet Centers

Since it is your marriage, I invite you to take part in planning your wedding ceremony to the extent you wish. You may choose the prayers, songs, reading, vows and the format of the ceremony. I will assist you as necessary.

My suggested wedding ceremony donation is $80.00 plus fair accrued expenses, depending on the time required leading up to the ceremony and the distance traveled. It is YOUR day, is having it done your way it worth something to you? A $25.00 deposit is required to confirm your wedding date, time and location this is used to pay my secretary for her duties and to keep me from over booking myself! You must apply for and pick up your Marriage License; you are responsible for that, and I am required to register it with the state after the ceremony.

Required Pre-Wedding Questionnaire


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Information - Pastor JW Olson
The Inner Circle - 340 4th Avenue South - Walla Walla - Washington - 99362 - USA
The Inner Circle is �1991 - 2006, JW Olson. All rights reserved.